Monday, April 30, 2012



Today the bad weather of the last weeks has changed. The sun is out so don't forget your sunblock! I'm wearing a factor 50 today, because I love my skin color and you can't be carefull enough. In fact, at this point of the year, I feel like the sun burns harder than in summer (don't know if this is actually true).
But, the warm weather invites insects to wake up, fly around and bite people. Therefor I'm giving you heads up about a tip I've got from an old (probally wise) woman. It's called lemon balm. It's a plant that smells like citron and it can grow allmost everywhere (it doesn't need that much light, care, .. it's almost like a weed). And it survives very well over winter. It actually looks a lot like mint. 
And I think that the best part of it is that it keeps the mosquitoes away! Love it! Because the citron-smell, it disturbs the system that mosquitoes use to smell us. So no more itchy, ugly bites. So what do you do? You just put one in your garden, to keep those mosquitoes out of your place. Occasionally you walk through it or you take one of the leaves and just rub it on you (just your hands will do). That way you will be redeemed from those damn mosquito bites!
It also can be very tasty with fish and you can make tea with it. But that's another story.

The weekend

The weekend with my boyfriend was nice :). We did fight a little, but not that much & not that hard.
So I'm happy for that. We took the train (something he never wants to do, so that was great) to
another city to meet a friend of mine. In the 2 years we're together, they had never seen each other!
So I'm quite happy they did, finally. We had a great time, but she didn't stay that long (she had a
fight with her boyfriend). So we moved to another terrace, where we met a friend of his that we haven't
seen for a long time. There I saw another old friend of mine, who just had a baby (a beauty!).

After a couple of houres, we had more than enough to drink, so we went back to the station. We got
lost, ofcourse :p, but we had a blast.

Sunday, I was hoping for a lazy, stay-in-bed day. Didn't happen! But it was nice anyway! We went
windowshopping and we found a little jumble sale! I bought some amazing pin-up pictures
(photographs will come later! I promise) for O.5€ a piece :). LOVE THEM!

Today I'm gonna study a little, because exams are coming up. And after I'm hoping to see a friend. Maybe I'll plan our trip to Paris!

I'll keep you posted!

Madame Têtu!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Wonderfull news!
My boyfriend gave me the best gift a girl could ask for.
He's really good at giving gifts. My Christmaspresent two years ago was a
bottle of Coco Mademoiselle (from Chanel, ofcourse). &Last year he gave me the cutest handbag (pictures will come later!)

But friday, he gave me a gift to celebrate we are together for 2 years. He gave me a trip to Paris!! So, the next couple of weeks I'm looking for little
museums of young artists, little (cheap) shops with unique stuff & little, cosy (&cheap) restaurants. Any tips?
This is a picture of last year’s Christmas market at the Trocadero (in Paris).
Hope I can inspire you with some pictures of my own, coming up: this summer (we still have to plan the whole thing, which I'm really looking forward to!)

With little kisses,
Madame Têtu!

Friday, April 27, 2012

L'amour. C'est ...

I have a boyfriend. He will come over tonight and spend the
weekend at my place. We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks. Last
week was our second 'anniversary' (if you can call it that way), that
we still have to celebrate. (he went to a BBQ with his friends last
weekend, where I wasn't aloud)
I have had the feeling that i'm losing him, for a while now. I really
want to impress him. That means I have to shop (for food,
unfortunately), clean, cook and find the perfect outfit.

First things first: the outfit!
It's 12°C and although it doesn't look like it's gonna rain, i'm not
taking my chances. So I've opted for a marine-blue pencilskirt (LOVE
those!), a black pull with white dots and high heels. And I'm gonna
look for an umbrella while i'm shopping!
(maybe I'll trapmy boyfriend in taking a picture of me in those, later!)

I've cleaned the place up and since I've moved here quite recently, I
have made some time to do some extra decorating aswell. Give the place
that Madame Têtu-feel :) I bought some cheap, but pretty ashtrays in
this little store. They were 0.75€ a piece! &I also boudht giant
chocolat-chip cookie in the cutest bakery! (I know I shouldn"t, but it
looked so cute &I swear I'll share with my boyfriend) It smelss
delicious and it's really tasty to!

Didn't find an umbrella :(

Hope he will be in a good mood and happy to see me!
I'll keep you posted;
With lots of cookie-love!
Madame Têtu

Thursday, April 26, 2012

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

An introduction

Who is Mme Têtu?
Madame Têtu, she's something. She's enough. Enough of everything. She's the crisis of identity. Not just puberty, but trying to know who you are and trying to live your own life. She's a laugh, but she's also depressing. She's one way or another, never both, never balanced, never within. But still she feels like she can't escape from being average. Madame Têtu wants te be special, something else, someone to remember. She wants to be loved.
Sometimes she forgets how to be happy. But she's trying life. She's trying hard. Hard enough. Like we all do.